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xPortalNet HS v2.0

xPortalNet HS v2.0


xPortalNet HS v2.0

DESFire High Security System Software supports full DESFire 64-bit card system with 20 digits Card Serial Number (CSN) and Card ID (CID).

xPortalNet HS v2.0Features

  • 20 Digits (Full DesFire 64-bit CSN and Card ID)
    Higher Security by recording both DesFire Card Serial Number (CSN) and the Card ID (CID), with 20 digits each. This captures the Full 64-bit number. The system will track the CID with the CSN to ensure that the the card matches the full record. Identification not just by CSN.
  • DesFire Security Profile Configuration
    Full support of DesFire Security Profile Configuration in the software. This allows the user to have maximum control of the security key setting and change it whenever they want to. Programming of the cards can be done through the desktop card programming unit.
  • Alarm Monitoring & Lift Controller
    Supports up to 512 inputs / 256 outputs / 256 LED Mimic outputs with event programming. User notification can be achieved through client applications, email and SMS for maximum flexibility.
    Control of up to 96 floors per lift. Support multiple lobby implementations for large scale projects.
  • CCTV Integration
    Tightly integrated to MicroEngine’s line of DVDs for viewing and capturing purposes. DVDs and CCTVs will be shown on the floor plan to ease identification and management.
  • Visitor Management System (VMS)
    Integrated VMS module to enable control and recording of visitors. Optional VMS module to generate QR Code as the Visitor ID and send to the visitor’s mobile phone. Optional VMS kiosk system for self-service visitor registration and sign in.
  • Floor Plan
    Comprehensive floor plan control to enable easy viewing and control device of status.
  • Time Attendance
    Comprehensive configurations to allow the maximum flexibility in shift and allowance settings. Supports multiple and overnight shifts. Allow for further customisations to suit customer’s requirements.

FeaturesConnectivity SetupOrdering InformationComputer RequirementsDocumentation

No Item Features
1. Client Server Yes. Up to 20 Clients
2. System Door Access/Lift Access/Car Park/Alarm Monitoring/Guard Tour
3. Card Holder 100,000  (20 digits)
4. No. of Door / Readers 1024 Doors / 2048 Readers
5. No. of Inputs / Outputs 1024 Inputs / 1024 Outputs
6. Time Set / Time Zone 1024
7. System Users Unlimited
8. Software Access Control Yes.  User Configurable Command Level Access Control.
9. Floor Plan System Yes. Dynamic & with Camera Icon.
10. Database Supported MS SQL Server / Oracle
11. OS Microsoft Windows Server 2019/2022 64-bit
12. Microsoft .Net Framework v4.8
13. Communication Supported LAN / RS485
14. Controller Supported ⦁ XP-Q1200i-SE – 1 Door Advanced Multi-Class MIFARE-DESFire & QR(Dynamic) Controller (DIN Rail)
⦁ XP-Q1200/IP – 1 Door Advanced Multi-Class MIFARE-DESFire & QR(Dynamic) Network Controller
⦁ XP-Q2200/IP – 2 Door Advanced Multi-Class MIFARE-DESFire & QR (Dynamic) Controller
⦁ XP-QNET – 5 Door Multi-Function IP DESFire QR Network Controller
⦁ XP-QNET/IPC – Multi-Function IP DESFire QR Network Controller
⦁ XP-QNET-GAC – Master Controller For Q Series Global Anti-Passback.
⦁ XP-QNET-GAC/IPC – Master Controller For Q Series Global Anti-Passback
⦁ XP-SNET-LID – SNET Master Lift Interface Device
15. Time Attendance Yes. Non-Overnight.
16. Real Time Export Yes. User Configurable.
17. Model xPortalNet HS PS v2.0

* The feature listed here are for the software only. It depends on the choice of the hardware system such as controller, I/O board, readers and computer system for it to work. Kindly contact our representatives for further clarifications.

No Product Code Description
1. XP-QNET 5 Door Multi-Function IP DESFire QR Network Controller. Metal Enclosure
2. XP-QNET/IPC Multi-Function IP DESFire QR Network Controller. Metal Enclosure
3. XP-QNET-GAC Master Controller For Q Series Global Anti-Passback. Metal Enclosure
4. XP-QNET-GAC/IPC Master Controller For Q Series Global Anti-Passback. Metal Enclosure
5. XP-SNet-E32Rv5 32 Relay Output Extension Board. RS485 Link
6. XP-SNet-E248S 24 Supervised Input & 8 Relay Output Extension Board. RS485 Link.
7. XP-Q1200i-SE 1 Door Advanced Multi-Class MIFARE-DESFire & QR (Dynamic) Controller. Encrypted TCP/IP. DIN Rail Type.
8. XP-Q1200/IP 1 Door Advanced Multi-Class MIFARE-DESFire & QR (Dynamic) Controller. Metal Enclosure.
9. XP-Q2200/IP 2 Door Advanced Multi-Class MIFARE-DESFire & QR (Dynamic) Controller. Metal Enclosure.
10. XP-MK820 Reader interface unit for QNET
11. PLATO-M82 MIFARE Classic/DESFire Advanced High Security Multi-Format 13.56 MHZ ISO14443A/B. ABS Casing. MCMC Certified
12. PLATO-Q82 QR Code and MIFARE Classis/DESFire Multiple Card Format Reader. MCMC Certified
13. PLATO-K82 MIFARE Classic / DESFire Advanced High Security Multi-Format 13.56 MHz ISO14443A / B. Color Graphics LCD. Touch Sense Keypad. ABS Casing. MCMC Certified
14. XP-SNET-LID SNET Master Lift Interface Device
15. USB-XPNETHSV2.0PS xPortalNet HS v2.0 PS edition, USB software license dongle
16. USB-XPNETHSPSV20/CAL-1 Additional 1 Client License for xPortalNet HS PS v2.0
17. USB-XPNETHSPSV20/CAL-3 Additional 3 Client License for xPortalNet HS PS v2.0
18. USB-XPNETHSPSV20/CAL-5 Additional 5 Client License for xPortalNet HS PS v2.0
19. USB-XPNETHSPSV20/1PA xPortalNet HS PS v2.0 1 Polling Agent USB software license Dongle
20. USB-XPNETHSPSV20/API Add-On API module for xPortalNet HS v2.0 PS software
21. USB-XPNETHSPSV20/CCTV Add-On CCTV module for xPortalNet HS v2.0 PS software
No System Requirements
1. CPU (Minimum) Intel® Core™ i7-12700
2. RAM (Minimum) 16 GB
3. OS Microsoft Windows Server 2019, 2022
(64-bit, Recommended Standard edition)
4. Microsoft.Net Framework v4.5
5. Microsoft SQL Server MS SQL Server 2019, 2022
(Recommended Standard edition)
6. Ethernet Yes
7. UPS (Recommended) Yes
8. Hard disk (Minimum free space) 300 GB
9. USB Port Required for Software Key
No System Requirements
1. CPU (Recommended) 10th Generation Intel® Core™ i5 Processor or higher
2. RAM (Minimum) 8 GB
3. OS Microsoft Win 10/ Win 11/ Win Server 2019, 2022
(64-bit, Recommended Standard edition)
4. Microsoft .Net Framework v4.0
5. Ethernet Yes
6. USB Port / Serial Port Optional
(Required for USB smart card reader, webcam, QR code scanner)
7. Display
(1024 x 768 x 16 bit colours)
Yes. Higher Resolution Required for CCTV
8. Mouse / Keyboard Yes
9. Hard Disk (Free Space) 50GB
Toilet Cubicle